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E3 2016 Recap Another year of E3 with some ‘ohhh’, ‘ahhh’ and a lot of ‘uhhhhh’. Now to be honest, the only consoles I own are a Wii U and…

April Podcast: Gaming  This month the fine folks at Geek Lyfe teamed up to talk about one of their favorite geeky topics: Video Games! Darth Mexican, Hesch, Powerforce, Gumbercules, and…

Review: Wondercon 2016 2016 was the first time I got to go to WonderCon located in Los Angeles at the convention center. Originally, I had not planned on going because…

I can still recall the first time I saw Kaypickle, it was at Phoenix Comicon Fanfest of 2014. I spotted a small woman dressed as an adorable Teemo and snapped…

Oh Fallout 4, the songs of your greatness did little justice for the splendor that is you. Full disclosure before we get started, I own all of the Fallout games…