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The Hype Train goes San Diego Comic Con! Whats up?! Here is another edition of the newly named Hype Train!  Your hosts are the one and only Redshirt and Zombieboi! In this…

July Loot Crate Unboxing With Powerforce Join me (Powerforce) as I unbox my latest Loot Crate for the month of July! If you ever need to be convinced in order…

Twitch: Streamer receives $12,000 in donations Many of us geeks out there look to top streamers and wonder just how profitable they are. Well, recently released a video showing just…

Review: Game Grumps – Dog Island This is our latest set of reviews where we take Game Grumps/Steam Train/Grumpcade episodes and review them to make it easier for fans of…

Review: Game Grumps – Bloodborne This is our latest set of reviews where we take Game Grumps/Steam Train/Grumpcade episodes and review them to make it easier for fans of Game…

Ant-Man: The Antastic Review Marvel Studios finally brings the last of the original Avengers to screen with a bite sized new offering in Ant-Man. So how did the studio giant’s…