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MCM October, the last big convention of the year, has now come and gone. For those unfamiliar MCM Comicon London is an event that is held over 3 days, held…

When it comes to making sex life better, both men and women have to be on it. Both partners need to be equally involved to ensure that the sex life…

Anime Expo is North America’s largest anime convention and has been bringing fantastic events to the community for years. When COVID rocked the world and canceled a majority of in-person…

By DemoraFairy My last MCM before May was back before Covid, which I am glad to see so many events have managed to endure the last couple of years, the…

Pandemic restrictions are down to a minimum and everyone is getting ready to have some game-time fun. People are breaking out backyard barbecues and gearing up for conventions. Fans are getting cosplay costumes ready…