Music Lyfe: Kimbra

Music Lyfe: Kimbra

What’s that? You are getting a bit tired of your normal everyday music choices? Have no fear! Geek Lyfe is here with a new segment called Music Lyfe! We will present you with a artist you might not be familiar with! This session’s artist is none other than a New Zealand pop star named Kimbra!

Not only is she crazy beautiful but she has a powerful sound to back it up. Her words are wise, soulful, and filled with topics from love to silly things like the things people do. If you were a fan of the popular hit by Gotye, Somebody I used to know, then you’ll be familiar with Kimbra who is the female on that song. She was originally more popular than Gotye in many countries, but when the song came out, she was overshadowed by him in the states.

She was, and still is, far more talented with her unique songs than Gotye and is loved by many around the world. Unfortunately, she has yet to gain a strong foothold in the states other than music fiends such as myself but I encourage everyone to check out her songs!

They are fantastic! My personal favorites are “Two Way Street” and “Gold Mine”. While “Two Way Street” is about love only working if two people legitimately participate and no matter how hard you want someone to love you, it won’t work unless they feel the same way. “Gold Mine” is about understanding that everyone has wealth inside of them that only they can call upon. The other aspect I absolutely love about Kimbra is that every one of her performances is different than the last. Check out her music video for Settle Down and her live performance of it as an example! Whether she is on tour, in a music video, or filming a small segment for youtube, each song will be performed in a different way. The live versions of her material are my favorite since you get to see Kimbra is an ordinary light.

This wraps up our very first Music Lyfe article! I hope you enjoyed it and let me know if there are any unique bands you think should be mentioned!

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |

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