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There are many cosplayers in the community of Arizona, of them all there is one man that stands above them all. One man whose cosplays are so crisp, so clean,…

Incredible Cosplays of 2017! Over the years, costumes being worn at Comic Con events and even for Halloween have been strongly inspired by film and books. In fact, this year,…

Cosplayer of the Week: Jean-Marc Puch Hey friends! Every week we try our best to showcase the talents of some truly wonderful men and women. Without consideration for social media…

Cosplayer of the Week: Katieasaur Cosplay Hey friends! I hope your week has been going well! This week we have a fantastic cosplayer for you by the name of Katieasaur…

For a good, long while dear friends of mine spoke about a woman by the name of Mucho Muncho in the highest regard. I dismissed the notion since I, personally,…

Cosplayer of the Week: Cheshsmiles Earlier this year we decided to throw together a cosplay swim suit shoot and it turned out to be a blast! One of the cosplayers…