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Cover photo by Chocozumo Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so very much for being here today! We’re gonna highlight the hard work and talent of 10 incredible, fantastic, outstanding, amazing…

What is the purpose of video games? Forgive us for opening with something of a broad and difficult question, but we’ve never beaten around the bush and we won’t start…

Dungeons and Dragons Charity Event! We always love raising money for those in need! What better way to do so than by playign D&D with homies!

A Night In The Dobutsu Lounge We have featured the Dobutsu Lounge in the past and absolutely support everything that they do and everyone who participates in it’s production. I…

10 Female Villains We Love to Hate By Vango Fett Villains. Deliciously evil agents of chaos made for the specific design of trying to thwart our favorite heroes on their…