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Brostalgia Plays Psychonauts Ahhhhh Psychonauts! A game many of us praise as one of the best games of our childhood! Brostalgia decided to tackle this game for their most recent…

Cosplayer Of The Week: CosKittens Although I do love my Arizona cosplayers and even American cosplayers, I want to get our readers some international cosplayers to check out and enjoy!…

Interview: Mega Ran Hey everyone! We have an incredible treat for you! While browsing the local shows coming to Arizona I saw a listing for none other than the incredible…

Typically when looking for a cosplayer to interview, I wait until they have around five cosplays under their belt on their social media before reaching out, just to ensure these…

Top Grossing Movies based off Marvel Comics Marvel Comics first launched super hero titles in 1961. With these amazing heroes, it is natural that they would become the inspiration for…

Feature: Keen Halloween Ahhhh Halloween, it’s without a doubt my favorite event of the year. Most of the time when I walk down the streets with my Luchador mask, I…