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Sara Moni is/was a unicorn for me when it came to the cosplay community. The first time I saw her, I was awestruck by how incredible her cosplay was and…

Review: Black Desert Online Now, I know that MMORPGs in 2016 is a bitter sweet topic. On one hand the technology used in games have improved to the point where…

Review: Daredevil Season 2 Daredevil aka Matt Murdock defends the innocent in a court of law by day and fights crime at night. He is a street hero, meaning he…

Top Five Comics for New Comic Readers So you want to start reading comics, eh? First off, welcome! Welcome to the wonderful, rich and vibrant world of comic books and…

Lexington Comic & Toy Convention Review The Lexington Comic and Toy Convention takes place every March at Heritage Hall in Lexington, KY. This year’s convention just ended on the 13th,…

Why Do You Still Read Comics? Like any other kid, my brother hated reading and just like any good sister, I loved it because I wanted to show our dad…