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First Impressions Being the masochist that I clearly am, I absolutely love MMOs and H.P. Lovecraft stories. When a good friend of mine introduced me to The Secret World, a…

Virtual idol Hatsune Miku appeared on the Late Show with The David Letterman, in it’s first ever American Network showing. I’ll be honest, I’ve known about Hatsune but have never really…

First Impression Like many of my fellow Steam users, when a steam sale occurs, we whip out our wallets and spend what little money we have in our bank accounts.…

a Rafflecopter giveaway Months had passed since months had passed since having my guild mates kill my friends. Since that time, not a single one of them had dared to…

10 tips for new Game Masters Back in my high school days I, along with most in the geek community, loved all things fantasy. From video games, films, books, comics etc.…