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Good day everyone! This Cosplayer of the Week is Shell Bell Cosplay who is from the Washington area! While she does dabble in a number of different genres of cosplay…

Hey folks! 😀 We have an awesome cosplayer for you this week! His name is Chris Riley and not only does he do great cosplays but he actively participates not…

Cosplayer Of The Week: CosKittens Although I do love my Arizona cosplayers and even American cosplayers, I want to get our readers some international cosplayers to check out and enjoy!…

Typically when looking for a cosplayer to interview, I wait until they have around five cosplays under their belt on their social media before reaching out, just to ensure these…

Cosplayer Of The Week: Polyjuice Cosplay Hey friends! Good morning, I hope you are all doing well and are preparing for a wonderful day that leads to a fantastic weekend!…

Cosplayer Of The Month: Amber Skies Amber Skies, Amber Skies, Amber Motha Flippin Skies. This is a female cosplayer from Arizona who has been a huge favorite of mine for…