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I can still recall the first time I saw Kaypickle, it was at Phoenix Comicon Fanfest of 2014. I spotted a small woman dressed as an adorable Teemo and snapped…

Scott Gilbert Runs Away From Polaris Scott Gilbert, the most popular Twitch Streamer to have have never streamed has just announced that he too has left the Polaris Network. Scott…

Jesse Cox Leaves Polaris Jesse Cox is a YouTuber most famous for his gaming videos and being a member of the Co Optional Podcast alongside TotalBiscuit and Dodger. He has…

February Loot Crate Unboxing Join me, Powerforce, as I unbox my latest Loot Crate for the month of February! If you ever need to be convinced to partake in these monthly…

Matsuri 2016  Have you ever watched anime, listened to J-Pop, watched a Samurai film and thought that Japan was such a fantastic and exotic place? Well, you are right! However,…

Cosplayer Interview: Stephanie Storm Cosplay While at Amazing Arizona Comic Con I got the chance to meet a number of cosplayers who put their blood, sweat, and tears into their…