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Review: Wondercon 2016 2016 was the first time I got to go to WonderCon located in Los Angeles at the convention center. Originally, I had not planned on going because…

Review: Shannara Chronicles  I wrote up a first impressions article on The Shannara Chronicles by MTV some months ago. At the time of writing that article I had seen four…

Cosplay Interview: Nyra Cosplay Instagram is a magical place filled with a never ending supply of entertaining videos and photos. The Geek Lyfe actually has their own account and while…

\ March Loot Crate Unboxing Join me, Powerforce, as I unbox my latest Loot Crate for the month of March! If you ever need to be convinced to partake in these…

Review: Daredevil Season 2 Daredevil aka Matt Murdock defends the innocent in a court of law by day and fights crime at night. He is a street hero, meaning he…

Top Five Comics for New Comic Readers So you want to start reading comics, eh? First off, welcome! Welcome to the wonderful, rich and vibrant world of comic books and…