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Brosus! A New YouTube Series Ever wonder what it would be like to watch Tony (Powerforce) and Clayton (Gumbercules) battle to the death in a game instead of taking turns…

Review: Geek Wedding – The Sequel If there is on aspect of life that I love as much as food, it would have to be good music. When you combine…

News: Game Grumps Leave Polaris Game Grumps, a major YouTube group who produces ‘Let’s Play’ content for their fans, has parted ways from Polaris. Polaris is a company that focuses on…

Webcomic: Mr. Mario! Check out the newest webcomic by yours truly, Gumbercules!  The motivation for this particular joke came to me while filming an episode of Brostalgia and playing the…

News: Fallout 4 DLC Announcements When Bethesda released Fallout 4 back in November, I knew right away that most of the time that my family, friends, and loved ones would…

Cosplay Interview: Nana  Bear One of my all time favorite aspects of the Geek community is cosplay. There is something magical about putting on a costume forged by your own…

VR: A lot more fun than VD! Gaming’s next big technological evolution is nearly upon us! VR claims to give gamers a level of immersion that has never been achieved…