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June Loot Crate Unboxing With Powerforce Join me (Powerforce) as I unbox my latest Loot Crate for the month of June! I have been a huge fan of Loot Crate…

Inside Out Review Call it a comeback! They’ve been missing for years! Announcing sequels for years and feeding into my fears! Okay, now that I got that out of my…

E3: Nintendo Each and every year I root for Nintendo more so than any other console due to having a special place in my heart. I, as well as many…

E3: Ubisoft Ubisoft has taken hits in the past from Assassin’s Creed Unity’s many many bugs to Uplay being a frustrating program that requires you to play certain games on.…

E3: EA Ahhh good ol EA. They are either making incredible games like Mass Effect or another Madden. There have been rumors for quite sometime regarding popular IPs such as…

E3 Coverage: Microsoft While working hard on work assignemnts, I was able to watch the E3 coverage via YoutTube. The first segment to air was Microsoft. Last year at E3…