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Cosplayer of the Month: Lindsay Elyse While at Phoenix Comicon I had a list of people who I wanted to interview about their cosplay and daily lives. I zoomed around…

Bethesda E3 Here is everything that was announced during tonight’s presentation! Doom  Showing off game play and blood. LOADS of blood! BattleCry TF2 looking game with more melee combat!  …

Nintendo kicks off today with a 20 min. video explaining what they released today for Super Smash Wii U/3DS! Ryu Just from seeing this, I already know that Ryu will…

Jurassic World: The Indominus Review The park is open! Or rather, THE WORLD is open! Jurassic World, that is. Let’s take a trip to the Isla Nublar, for my review of the…

Five comedy anime YOU should be watching! Hey everyone! I’ve been really into comedy anime lately and thought that I’d compile a list of my top favorite MUST see comedy…

Review: Guild Grumps Earlier this year Game Grumps, a titan in the YouTube ‘Let’s Play’ community, announced Guild Grumps was coming to their channel sometime during the summer and sure enough…

Chris Hemsworth answering calls in Ghostbusters Back when the Ghostbuster’s reboot was first announced, they mentioned having gender swapped the heroes of the story to female comedians. To continue this…