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September has rolled around and that means con-goers from far and wide put on their geekiest outfit and head to the Edmonton Comic Expo, in Edmonton Alberta, Canada. ECC is…

Comic Con Palm Springs always does a fantastic job of bringing great times to geeks! This year was no different as they featured great guests, cosplayers, vendors, and more! Our writer,…

Written by Cole Bekah I want to start this off by saying that I love the photography community I am a part of. It’s full of some of the most…

Hey you guys! Tidesiren here comin’ at you with another con review! This time, earlier this month, I got to attend Dragon Con in Atlanta, Georgia! At $95 for a…

They say that all good things must come to an end eventually. That is exactly how we feel today as we announce that Deegan Marie of Deegan Marie Photography has…