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We have a champion of cosplay for you today by the name of Ria Parker and my jaw dropped to the floor when I saw how incredible she was! You…

As the year comes to a close we wanted to highlight five hard-working cosplayers that we had the pleasure of interviewing this year. Be sure to check out out and…

We are here today to bring you another wonderful human being that we have interviewed. Her name is Kheici and she is a cosplayer who is just fantastic in about…

Check out our interview with the fantastic pixelghosts! She is a talented cosplayer and writer who loves all things geeky. The Geek Lyfe: What is your cosplay origin story? pixelghosts:…

We are always looking to interview incredible cosplayers who put their heart and soul into their creations! This week we are bringing you none other than the incredible Kate Sarkissian!…

We continue our never-ending journey to highlight amazing independent content creators by bringing you the fantastic, Lollipopheidi13! She hails from the exotic and foreign lands of California and is a…