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Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest 2015 Every year geeks around the valley (and even further) look forward to the spectacular event of Phoenix Comicon. While a one year wait is no…

Review: Comic And Media Expo 2015 When I found I was going to cover the Comic and Media Expo, I was extremely thrilled. As far as I know, Comic and Media…

Leadership In The Geeky World Geeks! Often times our brothers and sisters are looked down upon for our magnificent obsessions as we’ve grown up. Even in this day and age…

Phoenix Symphony: Super Heroes  I have always loved the symphony and have a deep appreciation for classical musical. Unfortunately, I had never had the pleasure of attending a symphony myself,…

Hi everyone! The Sassy Goblin and I recently embarked on a quick two day road trip to San Francisco from our home base of Washington. Luckily on the way there…

Saboten Con is an American anime convention held in Phoenix, Arizona and organized by Monkey Paw Entertainment. The convention is held on Labor Day weekend and lasts for 4 days…

Adventures at PAX Prime 2015! Hello everyone, Spocktopus here! This year I got very lucky and had the privilege of attending he closing day of PAX Prime in Seattle. This…