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Review: Guild Grumps Earlier this year Game Grumps, a titan in the YouTube ‘Let’s Play’ community, announced Guild Grumps was coming to their channel sometime during the summer and sure enough…

Interview: Kylie LaRee During Phoenix Comicon I vowed to make a hard push to get the Geek Lyfe’s name out there. I had a list of people who I wanted…

Interview: Laura Knatt There were a ton of vendors at Phoenix Comicon. Artists, cosplayers, comic book stores, geek swag, authors, and so many others. I made a promise to myself…

Phoenix Comicon 2015 Review Summer is my favorite time of the year for many reasons: My birthday is in July, Summer Blockbusters are out, Swimming, and Phoenix Comicon! I have…

Phoenix Comicon 2015 Photo Gallery   There were a lot of amazing cosplayers at Phoenix Comicon, our gallery is but a single drop in a vast ocean of costumers. We…

  Tips To Survive Comic Con Ah comic book conventions, a time for running around with friends, cosplaying or not, to view vendors, take photos with your favorite cosplayers, authors,…