What Are The Best Builds For Borderlands 3 Classes?

Borderlands, the iconic first-person shooter franchise, offers a diverse selection of character classes, each with its own unique abilities and skill trees. Choosing the best builds for your chosen class is essential to optimize your gameplay experience and dominate the chaotic world of Pandora. Here, we will explore some of the best Builds for each Borderlands 3 class, highlighting their strengths, playstyles, and strategies.

FL4K – The Beastmaster

FL4K excels in commanding beasts and dealing devastating damage. One of the best builds for FL4K is the “Rakk Attack!” build. This build focuses on maximizing Rakk Attack!, FL4K’s action skill that unleashes homing Rakk to attack enemies.

Invest in skills like “Flock ‘N’ Load” and “Rakkcelerate” to increase Rakk Attack! damage and cooldown rate. Additionally, choose augments such as “Rakk Open a Cold One” and “Rakkcelerate” to further enhance Rakk Attack!’s potency. Complement this build with weapons that boost critical hit damage and class mods that augment Rakk Attack! for maximum effectiveness.

Moze – The Gunner

Moze is a firepower-focused character; known for her mechanical suit, Iron Bear. The “Bottomless Mags” build is an exceptional choice for Moze, emphasizing continuous firepower and ammo regeneration.

The vital skills for this build include “Cloud of Lead” and “Matched Set,” which increase magazine size and ammo regeneration. Invest in “Click, Click…” and “Specialist Bear” to enhance overall damage output. Equip weapons with high fire rates and large magazine sizes, and consider class mods that boost Bottomless Mag’s skills for unrivaled destructive potential.

Amara – The Siren

Amara harnesses elemental powers and melee combat. The “Phasezerker” build is a popular choice for Amara, focusing on amplifying elemental damage and maximizing Phasegrasp, her acting skill.

Skills like “Anima” and “Do Harm” increase elemental effect chance and overall damage. Invest in “Tempest” and “Indiscriminate” to boost elemental damage further. Combine this build with weapons having high elemental damage and status effect chance, and consider class mods that enhance Phasezerker skills for devastating elemental mayhem.

Zane – The Operative

Zane is a versatile character with multiple gadgets and skills. One of the best Builds for Zane is the “Seein’ Dead” build, emphasizing critical hit damage and kill skills.

Invest in skills like “Playing Dirty” and “Duct Tape Mod” to increase critical hit damage and maximize kill skill activation. Augments such as “Schadenfreude” and “Calm, Cool, Collected” provide additional benefits during combat. Equip weapons that excel in critical hit damage and use class mods that enhance Seein’ Dead skills for optimal effectiveness.

Splash damage

The other mainstay of this build is splash damage, and between Means of Destruction and Fire in the Skag Den, you should find yourself swimming in additional ammunition while also inflicting some extra damage. It works nicely with Iron Bear, and if you have a rocket launcher or cluster grenades in your arsenal, you can make it even better. Consider adding some points to Vampyr while you’re working on grenade buffs as you can gain life from those ‘nades.


Choosing the best builds for your Borderlands classes is essential for maximizing your character’s potential and dominating the game. The “Rakk Attack!” build for FL4K, the “Bottomless Mags” build for Moze, the “Phasezerker” build for Amara, and the “Seein’ Dead” build for Zane are just a few examples of powerful builds that can make you a force to get reckoned with.

Remember, these builds serve as starting points, and customization based on personal playstyle and preferences is crucial. Experiment with different skills, augmentations, weapons, and class mods to create a build that aligns with your preferred playstyle and enhances your enjoyment of the game. Embrace the chaotic world of Borderlands and unleash your chosen character’s full potential!

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Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo

Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo

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