E3: EA
Ahhh good ol EA. They are either making incredible games like Mass Effect or another Madden. There have been rumors for quite sometime regarding popular IPs such as Need For Speed, Mass effect, and Mirror’s Edge. Let’s check out what they talked about.
Mass Effect: Andromeda Â
I am a huge Bioware fan and an even bigger Mass effect fan. It was the first 360 game I purchased and still one of my all time favorite games to this day. I bought and beat the sequels as soon as they hit the shelves and eagerly await their next title. During the conference, they gave us the above trailer and a note about coming winter of 2016. My heart won’t stop racing.
Need For SpeedÂ
Need for Speed was a game we all played when we were younger and watched it grow into a unique kind of racing game that differs from it’s competitors due to it’s urban atmosphere, police chases, robust car customization, and so much more. The developers claim to have improved graphics, multiplayer options, crew system, and is scheduled to release on November 3rd, 2015.
Star Wars Knight of the Old republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire
When Star Wars the Old Republic was announced, many of us believed that it would be a World of Warcraft killer. Well, we were dead wrong. As an MMO, the game was incredibly lack luster. However, if you think of it as a single player RPG with multiplayer options, then it is fantastic. The story is excellent, as expected from Bioware, and now they have a new expansion called Knights of the Fallen Empire. The trailer alone has me itching to reactivate my account and play again. It is free to current subscribers.
This was an incredible looking game that I will definitely be looking forward to. EA approached indie developers to assist them in the creation of Unravel and when the creator came to speak about his game, he could be seen physically shaking with passion. It looks to be a side scrolling platformer/puzzle solving game.
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst
Mirror’s Edge was a game that was always on sale on Steam, I personally have had it for years and only barely opened the program to find myself blown away by how amazing it is. For the prequel, Mirror’s edge: Catalyst, the developers have said there are no levels nor loading screens. You are able to roam the world as your please. The release date is February 23rd 2016.
To my surprise, there were a lot of awesome games talked about for 2015! I am legitimately excited to play a majority of these titles!Â
What did you think about all of this?Â
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: https://www.thegeeklyfe.com | info@thegeeklyfe.com | http://twitch.tv/that_deangelo | https://linktr.ee/deangelomurillo