Jurassic World: The Indominus Review

Jurassic World: The Indominus Review
The park is open! Or rather, THE WORLD is open! Jurassic World, that is. Let’s take a trip to the Isla Nublar, for my review of the film.
Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park is a timeless classic, and after two subpar sequels (it’s been 14 years since Jurassic Park 3 released), there was a lot riding on this film. My first sign of hope for Jurassic World was the announcement that Colin Trevorrow would be directing it; Trevorrow directed Safety Not Guaranteed, a wonderful independent comedy. I wondered how the translation would go from making an 80 minute micro-budget comedy, to a 200 million dollar franchise film. I’m pleased to say that the he mostly succeeds, and this feels like the first true sequel to Jurassic Park.
This has been a fantastic year for silly action packed block buster movies, and Jurassic World continues this trend. There is so much dino action in this film, it makes Jurassic Park look like Clerks. They really up the anti with all the dinosaurs in this film, which brings me to my only real problem; the dinosaurs themselves. Personally I felt like every single dinosaur looked really CGI. Granted, they can do so much more than they did in previous films. I just kind of lost some of that fear I needed for the characters when it looks like a computer creature is coming at them. I would have gladly had less dinosaurs if it meant getting a couple sweet animatronics (J.J. you know what I’m talking about). Luckily the movie is fun enough to let me be more forgiving and enjoy the spectacle.
Chris Pratt leads the cast, and continues his global takeover as the worlds most charming leading man. This Mother sitting by me in the theatre literally FANNED HERSELF whenever he would pose with his bulging muscles and smouldering looks. Quite honestly, I found myself sometimes resisting the urge to self fan. Bryce Dallas Howard puts in a very commendable performance and she gets extra credit for spending the entirety of the film running in heels. I would really like it if business women could be aloud to wear flats in these kinds of movies, it makes me uncomfortable watching these poor ladies have to run in that attire. Jake Johnson, reuniting with his Safety Not Guaranteed director, provides a highly entertaining comedic role to round out the film. But let’s be honest, this movie could use a little Goldblum.
Despite a complete lack of Jeff Goldblum, there are many great moments and homages to the original film in the franchise. It really truly gave me some wonderful feelings of nostalgia. Some of the magic to these visual call backs are slightly watered down thanks to an island full of product placement. I nearly cried when I saw the statue tribute to the late great Richard Attenborough completely entrenched in Samsung products. I appreciate that the writers implemented all the product placement into the plot of the movie, but I must say the constant onslaught of visual advertisements were more than a little distracting to me. I love seeing dinosaurs fight, but does it need to be in front of a Starbucks? I half expected an Apple Logo to somehow attach itself to the back of a Velociraptor.
These minor complaints aside, I did really enjoy Jurassic World. I clearly didn’t spend too much time going through the story and the plot threads that I found questionable, because this film delivers exactly what I needed out of it; fun summer escapism. This movie has fantastic action, charming performances, copious amounts of nostalgia, and most importantly; it carries the spirit of that Amblin Entertainment logo it carries. Take the trip!
A Prehistoric 7.5/10
*** Hey guys this is my first review for the site. Very excited to join the team. I just wanted to say my future posts will be less basic than this, I’m just starting to learn how to use the programs for these posts. Hope you enjoy!
Mr. Cinester is a local film maker straight out of Arizona. He watches an absurd amount of television and films.
No Jeff!?…Eh Ill probably still see it
Darth Mexican
We wish there was Jeff in it as well. ;_;