The Hype Train goes San Diego Comic Con
The Hype Train goes San Diego Comic Con!
Whats up?! Here is another edition of the newly named Hype Train!  Your hosts are the one and only Redshirt and Zombieboi! In this episode we cover San Diego Comic Con 2015 and all the awesomness that occurred! We have guests who are here to help us discuss the various movies and TV shows that were shown, these guests are: DarthMexican (DeAngelo), Powerforce(Tony) and the newly named Gumbercules (Clayton)! We talk about what we saw, what we thought, what we expect and what we fear for all of our favorite fandoms!
The topics of this episode are: Walking Dead, X-Men: Age of Apoclypse, Â Fear the Walking Dead, Deadpool, Superman Vs Batman: Dawn of Justice, and so much more!
Check back often as the Hype Train is leaving the station!