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Dinos Meets Day Z: Ark Survival Evolved On Monday Wildcard Studios announced a open world survival game similar to Day Z in regards to having to forge for food, being…

Assassian’s Creed: Syndicate Announcement “In Assassin’s Creed Syndicate you’ll play as Jacob Frye, an assassin born and bred poised to take over the criminal underworld of London during the Industrial…

Hey everyone! this is DeAngelo aka Darth Mexican and as you probably already know, I love cosplay! I love the artwork, original renditions of established characters, group cosplay acting out…

Castlevania Revived On Kickstarter Earlier today a Kickstarter launched, it’s goal was $500,000 in a month’s time. In the span of a few short hours it has reached over $1,000,000.…

How to Play Pathfinder: A Primer for Girls Editor’s note: This article was written as satire and for the purpose of sarcastic humor. We here at Geek Lyfe fully support…

Morphin Time…Again: Chroma Squad Review I’m a 90’s kid. Plain and simple. This means a lot of things – Doug was still on TV, dunkaroos were my favorite snack, and the Super…

Darth Mexican’s Pick: Video Games It should go without saying that the writers of Geek Lyfe are in fact geeks themselves. Although not all geeks are the same and we…