Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is Perfect for Gamer Parents TBH

This is not an ad! Long have I dreaded my Xbox One since in this current console war, PlayStation 4 and the Nintendo Switch are leaps and bounds better than the Xbox One in terms of exclusive titles. For years it pretty much-collected dust while I gamed on my PC, which is unfortunate since I got it as a gift and was super grateful for it! I just couldn’t bring myself to purchase any games for it since a majority of them were for the PC.
Around Summer of 2018 I fell head over heels for my girlfriend and was introduced to her 4-year-old son who is a pretty dope, little dude! Being a kid, he naturally loves playing games of any and all kinds, including video games. While I may have had extensive knowledge of fantastic games for adults but had next to do idea for what was hot for a 4-year-old. Initially, my girlfriend and I bought games one by one, which got semi-expensive especially if he didn’t like or could comprehend the mechanics of some games.
That is when I found out about Xbox Game Pass. For those unaware:
Xbox Game Pass has unlimited access to over 100 high-quality games—with titles added all the time. Whether you play console games, PC games, or both, there’s a plan for you. Join Xbox Game Pass for one low monthly price and discover your next favorite game.
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate includes all the benefits of Xbox Live Gold, plus over 100 high-quality console and PC games. New games are added all the time, so there’s always something new to play. Enjoy exclusive member deals and discounts. Play together with friends on the most advanced multiplayer network and discover your next favorite game.
So essentially, by paying $15 a month, you get access to tons of games both current and older for the console. When I say new games, I mean new games since at the time of writing this, Gears of War 5 just released and is available to me since I am a Game Pass Ultimate member. Not to mention I get access to all of the other Gears of War games so I can play catch up.
For the little one, he gets access to tons of family-friendly/Co-Op games to enjoy. He often gets bored fast, so having access to different games to try out is a huge bonus right now. Not to mention he watches his favorite YouTubers/Streamers play games and wants to try them out and sure enough, a majority of them are available with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.
More recently my girlfriend and I have moved in together so now I am feeling the role of a parent way more than before, which naturally means I have less free time to spend on gaming. While this isn’t too big of a deal, it does make it a bit more difficult for deciding where to spend my money. I don’t have time to watch my favorite streamers play the new titles enough to make a decision on whether I’ll enjoy it and dropping $60 on a title is a lot, especially if I can’t finish it.
So, I’ve actually been diving into the Game Pass Ultimate library and I’m loving it. Mass Effect, State of Decay 2, Gears of War, Halo, etc. Even older games like Ninja Gaiden that I loved when I was in high school was there to remind me how soul-crushingly hard it was! Even my girlfriend has been picking up titles to play on her free time or we both play a co-cop game on date night to just have fun.
Plus they offer deals for other items you can purchase in their store. They cycle games every so often adding and removing titles. Even if you go offline, the titles are still available to you which helped me out tremendously while I had a week without any internet!
Honestly, I love the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate since it provides everyone in my house entertainment at an affordable price. I can try out games that are current or that I missed and binge the ones I want to play while feeling no guilt over dropping the ones I don’t care for. The little one loses himself in Lego Star Wars or Minecraft, my girlfriend and I can fight over loot in Borderlands, and then I have my own single-player games to dive into when the family is asleep!
I recommend this service to any gaming families out there with an Xbox One, it is absolutely worth the price and gives you so much content to consume at your own pace!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |
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