Brosus! A New YouTube Series
Ever wonder what it would be like to watch Tony (Powerforce) and Clayton (Gumbercules) battle to the death in a game instead of taking turns reminiscing about their favorite childhood games? No? Well we did it anyway! Sometimes Tony and Clayton, from The Geek Lyfe’s YouTube series Brostalgia, need to take out their frustrations after getting their asses kicked repeatedly by early 90’s platforming games, and what better way to relieve stress than by duking it out in a battle for Geek Lyfe supremacy? Nothing, nothing is a better way. This culmination of nostalgic rage and an existing gaming rivalry between these two Geek Lyfers is an all new YouTube series: Brosus! (Get it? Bro + Versus? It’s ok, I disgust myself too sometimes…)
For the first episode of Brosus, we wanted a game that neither of us have played so that we could have an even playing field. So, we decided on Gang Beasts on Steam for PC. Our knowledge of the game up to that point was that it was a party game for up to 4 people where the objective was to throw the other players to their deaths and try to be the last one standing. What we DIDN’T know was how silly the game physics would be. The result was one of the hardest either of us has laughed in a while and the following video.
Although Brosus won’t be a series with a consistent posting schedule, we at The Geek Lyfe will be sure to let everyone know when the next episode of Brosus is up, whether it’s through Facebook (Facebook.com/TheGeekLyfe) or right here on the website. And if you like this video, please feel free to like and subscribe for more! Like our new Brostalgia play through of Super Castlevania IV, or all of Darth Mexican’s shenanigans on Mandatory Fun Time!
Gumbercules, or Gumbers for short, is a nerd that was est. in 1987. His interests include writing, drawing, playing guitar, singing in the car, PC and PS4 gaming, and talking about how he works out anytime he manages 10 push-ups in a day. He is also one of the founding members of Brostalgia, a YouTube series that you can find on our very own YouTube page, http://www.YouTube.com/TheGeekLyfe. Be sure to check out his and Powerforce's videos!