Cosplayer of the Week: YOKO X AOI Cosplay

This week we have some great cosplayers to present to you guys! They are Yoko x Aoi Cosplay, a duo of talented costumers who put their everything into their craft! I came across their content and thought the world of it and wanted to share them with you all!
The Geek Lyfe: There may be a few Geek Lyfers who have not seen your work before, would you be alright introducing yourself?
Aoi: Yes, I don’t mind introducing myself.
Yoko: I don’t mind either!
The Geek Lyfe: Could you tell us how you got into cosplay and what led you guys to where you are now? Was it something you stumbled into on your own or were you introduced by a friend?
Aoi: I got into cosplay, because of my dad. I grew up, watching sci-fi television shows and various older anime series. Eventually, I got online and started looking into events. He then took me to my first cosplay events and conventions.
Yoko: I got into cosplay because a group of local cosplayers invited me to be a roommate for Fanime Con 2011 and they wanted me to be part of their Marvel vs. Capcom cosplay group. After that, I had fallen in love with the hobby!
The Geek Lyfe: What has been your favorite moment so far cosplaying?
Aoi: It would have to be playing a pick-up game of football with voice actors!
Yoko: The Naruto cosplay gathering at last year’s Fanime Con! It was a great way to make friends and meet new people.
The Geek Lyfe: What is the most frustrating part?
Aoi: When a character’s outfit design has something in it that is practically impossible to recreate with modern technology.
Yoko: When a character’s eye color is made up of too many different colors or when their costume does not follow the laws of psyhics.
The Geek Lyfe: Is there one situation in your Cosplay career that makes you laugh when you look back on it? If so, what is it?
Aoi: Having over 13 people in the same hotel room, with all 13 people making their cosplays on the night before the event.
Yoko: Never having enough sleep but always showing up at the convention center at 9 am when nobody else is there yet in full cosplay. For years, I’ve never made that same mistake again.
The Geek Lyfe: When you guys aren’t doing making costumes or making videos, what do you do in your spare time?
Aoi: If we’re not making costumes, I’m usually playing online games with friends and reading during my free time.
Yoko: Doing college homework or spending time with Aoi.
The Geek Lyfe: What geek medium (Video Games, Comic Books, Novels, Movies etc.) made the biggest impact on your life and why?
Aoi: For me, there wasn’t one in particular, but it is the fact that my dad introduced me to all of them, so my dad would be my geek medium.
Yoko: Anime movies and manga made the biggest impact on me, because it made life exciting and always gave me something to look forward to while in middle school and high school.
The Geek Lyfe: If you could take on the powers of someone you previously cosplayed as, who would it be and why?
Aoi: It would be Sasuke Uchiha, because I would love to have the Sharingan!
Yoko: For me, it’d be Anise Tatlin from Tales of Abyss, because she can have Tokunaga, her stuffed toy, carry her around and attack bad guys.
The Geek Lyfe: Which cosplay do you hate to wear due to being uncomfortable the most but love to have worn it for photos and conventions?
Aoi: It would be Elizabeth from The Seven Deadly Sins anime, because I’m not used to cosplaying a girl.
Yoko: Noel Vermillion from Blazblue. She had a few accessories that caused me to watch where I go, because the ribbons with fake metal parts swings around a bit.
The Geek Lyfe: Do you have any projects in the near future we should be excited to see?
Aoi: Teen Gohan (SSJ2)!
Yoko: Teen Videl is one of them.
The Geek Lyfe: What advice do you have for aspiring cosplayers? Not just “Don’t give up” but what is a piece of advice you wished someone gave you that would have helped tremendously?
Aoi: Don’t worry about accuracy. Add your own ideas and make it your own to stand out from the rest. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re wrong.
Yoko: Don’t listen to people who tells you who you can cosplay as or that you’re too short or tall. Don’t feel pressured to limit yourself because of the mean things people say about your body. Life doesn’t wait for anyone.
Be sure to check out more of their work on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Photo Credit:
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |