Welcome Back to the World…of Warcraft

As part of a Welcome Back Weekend event, starting June 21st and going until June 24th, Blizzard Entertainment is letting players return to World of Warcraft for free*. Players with inactive accounts will have them reactivated for the weekend, with the ability to play up to the Warlords of Draenor expansion (for owners of World of Warcraft expansions up to and including Warlords of Draenor) or Legion (if their account was already upgraded to Legion previously). Players new to World of Warcraft can still create a starter account to try out the game up to level 20, with all of the caveats that come along with it. If you have friends currently playing, you can use Recruit A Friend to get a jump start on leveling.
Also on sale for this event are player services such as character server transfers and faction changes. The same limited time frame of until June 24th applies here. Want to come back but all of your friends are playing on another server? Head over to the game services page to get 25% off.
Another addition for users who did not purchase Legion, all Battle for Azeroth pre-purchases will have the current expansion included. This gives players the opportunity to jump back in right now and get caught up with the current story. August 14th is when Battle for Azeroth releases, with a simultaneous release for all regions. This is the first time Blizzard has done this and it will give players access a little earlier than usual. Users in North America will be able to play at 3PM PST/6PM EST on Monday August 13th.
Ready to jump back in?
All of the details on the weekend event can be found here on the official Blizzard website.
If you’re looking for people to play with, The Geek Lyfe has an official guild for you to join! Check out the Emerald Templars page for more information! See you in Azeroth!