Dope Artists To Support On Small Business Saturday

Dope Artists To Support on Small Business Saturday
We all know the craze that is Black Friday in America, big box stores lower their prices below the MSRP and it causes consumers to go wild in an attempt to get their favorite items at a huge discount. However, there is such a focus on big box stores that often times the indie shops, the ones ran by ma and pops or young entrepreneurs that go untouched. Which is interesting because these vendors often times appreciate you so much more and their goods are unique or even one of a kind!
That is why I wanted to show you some incredible artists that we adore and support in hopes that you’ll consider buying from them on Small Business Saturday! Clicking on their name will send you to their work!
Sincerely Sam
If you have been following us this year you’ll know that we adore Sincerely Sam and everything she does! The woman draws for a web comic, has published her own book, is in the process of making her own tarot cars, has worked with a number of fantastic brands and on top of that she continues to pump out art. While her work featuring established and beloved characters such as Steven Universe is enjoyable, I highly recommend her original pieces. They have this sort of autumn gothic appeal that looks beautiful yet somber at the same time and every single piece is dipped in mysticism. I can not recommend her enough to anyone who enjoys art! Check out our interview with her here:
Darth Mexican and DesignsByBroz have been friends since childhood, it is incredible to know that these two geeks took their passion for geeky things and made them into a business! You’ll greatly enjoy the work produced by DesignsByBroz as he works with glass, wood, and so much more! Every piece he does has a unique touch that is all his own while still appealing to wide audiences with major characters or emblems in all of his work. My personal favorite is his Luigi’s Mansion Ouija board! It was so so good!
Draskia is a fantastic content creator who gathered a legion of fans from her time as a Twitch Streamer. She broadcasted her art work multiple times whether it was her drawing a picture on a tablet or painting her face. It was a grand experience to watch her grow as an artist over the months which eventually became years! Now I am an avid fan of her work as she continues to grow in her craft. I highly recommend checking out her website and store for all the incredible work she creates!
Art of Lisa Sikorski
Lisa is one of those artists you come across where you wonder how the heck you didn’t know about her before and look forward to checking out her work every time she sets up shop! She is able to take the likeness of beloved actors or characters and bring them to life on her canvases and prints. Gah! She is brimming with talent that I am so excited that an artist like her exists! You seriously need to check out her hard work! Also we interviewed her! Check it out here: Click me! Be sure to check out her store!
Alexis is such a sweet heart! She is a one woman army when it comes to creating incredible art work featuring cats that are involved with a different type of video game. Her style is very clean, minimalist and yet so colorful that it stands out from the crowd. I really enjoy her work as well as her as a person! We actually got the chance to interview her at a recent convention which you can check out: Click me! We absolutely recommend her work and know you’ll enjoy it as well! She also has a deal going on currently! Check it out!
Sew Ashtastic
Ashley is tiny in height but larger than life when it comes to her ambitions! I remember first meeting her at the Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest so many years ago when her stock was humble and yet her stock drained fast as so many people loved her work. Every year that passes I watch her booth grow in size as well as her inventory. Every single product she produces has such love and care into it and if you get the chance to speak with her, it some how enhances the art further because you know that the artist herself cares about you as a consumer. She is all sorts of wonderful and can usually be seen using her own products and wearing clothing that she made! Check out our interview with her here: Click me!
Joshua Green
Yo, if there is one person I was shocked to become friends with, it is Mr. Joshua Green. It is hard for me to recall exactly how we became friends because I just remember life with out Joshua Green which was colorless, cold, and all sounds were dulled. Life with Joshua Green is like that scene in Willy Wonka where he introduces the characters to the paradise that is his factory. The same can be said about his artwork, the dude can draw so well that it hurts! He has such a huge passion for Anime and comics that you can tell it has a major influence on his work. He has created material for bands, comics, and even a DBZ fan art graphic novel, all of which are incredible! I highly recommend checking out all of his work and keeping tabs on him because he is absolutely going places! Check out our interview with him here: Click me!
Sammie Scribbles
GAH SAMMIE. She is this itty bitty woman who is quiet and shy but holy sheet does she work hard and have so much talent! I was originally introduced to her because of her cosplay, which is also great! Over time I stumbled upon her artwork and was blown away by just how fantastic it was! Her work consists super cutesy designs that are filled with color and wonder. Although there is a heavy influence of anime, the style is very much her own and can be immediately recognized when compared to the work of other artists. Check out our interview with her here: Click me!
Sarah is one of the best artists I have ever met in my entire life. We originally met as friends on World of Warcraft where we spent our free time failing to down raid bosses but still had such a blast playing. As time went we I got to know Sarah better and found out that she was wicked talented at art and worked for various companies to produce art for them. The simplest sketch from her is often coveted by many as a glorious piece of art. I can not believe I became friends with such a wonderful person and encourage you to check out her work on Facebook and Instagram! She often takes commissions and they always turn out amazing!
Cake Shop Couture
Need cutesy dresses made by a wonderful human being? Then you need to check out Cake Shop Couture! They focus on Lolita fashion which is beautiful, ornate, grand dresses that pop with color and style. I could not believe my eyes when they first fell upon their dresses. You can not even come close to comparing them to another artist because they are just so beautiful and unique! Please do yourself a favor and check out their products!
I hope you take the time to look at all of the wonderful artists we featured! We know them personally and can absolutely vouch for their products and them as people! Have a great weekend and support the indies!
Chicano | Fighting/Writing for Diversity | DM since 08 | Anime Lover | Site: | | |