America Needs Post Modern Jukebox

At one point and time, Pop music was actually somewhat barely in the 80s. A new kind of music emerged with all sorts of bells and whistles. Letting go of the instruments, big bands and even singing itself in exchange for dance routines, model like figures and full coverage of their love life and other aspects of their day to day existence that had almost nothing to do with actually singing. In the 90's we had N'Sync, Back Street Boys, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and so many more. In the 2000's we had Jennifer Lopez, Kelly Clarkson, Gwen Stefani, Fergie etc. And nowadays in the 2010's we have the infamous Justin Bieber, America's sweetheart Taylor Swift, sexed up Katy Perry, weirdly awesome Lady gaga, no booty Miley Cyrus, Kesha etc. You can not flip through radio stations with out listening to multiple of their songs, which often sound very similar to one another, again and again. Songs about falling in love, falling out of love, not being understood, partying like no one is watching, getting back at that significant other that screwed you over and other teen angst. They use auto tune, they do not write their own songs, they follow the lead of the record company instead of making actual music. The end result is this annoying white noise that causes you to either cringe or go insane because the song is sickeningly catchy. The fad never lasts however, every Taylor Swift song that has come out always gets in my brain and will not go away until the next T Swift song comes out and I instantly forget the last one. The cycle happens again and again and again.

But then this happened...

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What the Sheet is up with Markiplier?

To begin, let's talk about who Markiplier is, what he does, how he does it and why we even care.

Mark Edward Fischbach, known by his YouTube handle Markiplier, is an American actor, voice actor, comedian, internet personality, video game commentator and philanthropist.
-Wiki The above quote is a good summary of him and some of the things he has done. From a fan perspective, I can tell you that he is famous for 'Let's Play' videos on Youtube. He films him something playing various video games, often in hilarious ways, and uploads them every single day in chunks to sate the thirst of over six million fans. He began in May 26th of 2012 and has been loyal ever since. He regularly participates in charity live streams in order to give back to the community using his best assets.  In short, he is an awesome guy who loves video games and makes others laugh by throwing himself in often terrifying games.

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Processed with VSCOcam with 9 preset Ever wanted to be a film maker or have had an interest in how directors put music videos or short films together? Well we have great news for you! The Geek Lyfe recently got in touch with Jonathon Jones from and discussed his career as a film maker over lunch! He is a great guy with tons of passion and talent who produces great videos from Music Videos to Short Films. He gives insight to what happens in both pre and post production as he shares his favorite moments and advice for any aspiring artists.

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We've all played fighting games such as Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat when we were younger, challenging or friends and family before trying out the moves in real life and inevitably hurting yourself. As time went on most of us changed games, devoting our time and energy to newer titles and genres. However there are some gamers whose passion for fighting games never died but instead consumed them and motivated them to become better, faster and stronger.

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